The Radyn Mission

Radyn assists companies in the wireless industry to use their spectrum efficiently. We provide spectrum management products and services, software, and consulting services that save our customers time and money.

Radyn was established in 1994 in the United States (under the name Radio Dynamics Corporation) to serve the designers and operators of wireless systems. The company provides innovative, high-level engineering and software solutions, database support, and consultation in the design, deployment, and optimization of wireless technologies.


Our state-of-the-art products and services have been used by many of the major global telecommunication companies and special-focus industry groups. Radyn's list of satisfied customers includes wireless service providers, satellite service providers, equipment manufacturers, private industry entities, local governments, and many other telecommunications industry entities.

Company Leadership

The management and staff of Radyn have led successful careers with major companies and in academia before joining the company. Radyn has assembled a group of experienced, highly accomplished and well respected engineers and scientists who have worked throughout the telecommunications industry worldwide.

  • Acerca de Radyn

    Radyn a estado ayudando a las compañías inalámbricas para aprovechar su espectro radioeléctrico al máximo desde 1994

    Nuestro proceso eficiente y la experiencia de nuestro equipo ayudan a ahorrar tiempo y dinero.

    Conozca más sobre Radyn

  • México

    Radyn México, S.A. de C.V.
    Av. Mariano Escobedo 510-12
    Col. Anzures C.P. 11590
    Deleg. Miguel Hidalgo
    México, D.F., México
    Tel: +52 (55) 5341-8910
    Correo electronico:

  • Estados Unidos

    Radyn, Inc.
    6701 Democracy Blvd, Suite 300
    Bethesda, Maryland 20817, USA
    Tel: +1 301 493 5171
    Correo electronico:

    Radio Dynamics Corporation BBB Business Review

  • Consulta gratis

    Deje que el equipo de ingenieros de Radyn le muestre el proceso tan eficiente con nuestro software para poder mejorar su red inalámbrica y así poder ahorrar tiempo y dinero en el manejo eficiente de su espectro radioeléctrico con la infraestructura existente.

    Programe una consulta gratis